About us
The SANE Collective is an activist group working to develop solidarity against neoliberal extremism. Our shared perspective is that neoliberal capitalist ideology is responsible for promoting and perpetuating, amongst other ills, extreme social and economic inequality, global inaction on climate justice and patriarchal structures and norms. Our shared aim is to educate, agitate and organise around progressive democratic values to assist in building a powerful counter social movement, that offers positive anti-capitalist alternatives which support communities and individuals to live in harmony with each other and the planet. Glasgow has many activist groups standing up to defend human rights, democracy and the common good which could similarly make a sustained impact yet there is currently a lack of synergy and solidarity in their work and a huge need to reach beyond our current activist bases to involve the wider population of the city.
Photographs of Glasgow captured by GovanLens for the SANE Collective, exploring representations of hopes and fears for Glasgow, and the relationships between Glaswegians and the built environment
Funded by Necessity
SANE Reports:
Latest News
Glasgow Finances: In Numbers
PDF poster available to download here: