On Monday November 08, SANE was pleased to represent Glasgow Against Closures and join campaigners from Climate Action Leeds, Our Future Leeds, London Doughnut Coalition and Our Future Edinburgh to present a workshop on Future Cities: Zero Carbon, Nature Friendly, …
SANE past events
SANE Finance Meeting with Ben Wray
On November 03, the Global Finance Day of COP26, members of SANE met with Ben Wray to hear more about the reports on Glasgow’s economy he has produced for us this year. Watch Ben’s presentation below, and check out Ben’s …
Glasgow’s Debt: Glasgow’s Promise
Reborn as neoliberal bodies, local councils are all about business approaches, contracting out and hiving off. Financialisation competes with services for their attention. But far from making cities financially robust, many are now struggling for survival. They are a prime …
The Nitty-Gritty of the Critical City
The Critical City Movement aims to bring together campaigns, organisations, communities and individuals to agree a comprehensive city-focused strategy.Across Glasgow, movements are fighting in specific areas – housing, transport, education, women’s rights, employment rights and more. A social movement of …
A SANE Collective Experience
Taster session for another popular education initiative running in Glasgow under the auspices of The SANE Collective. The aim is to explore how democracy emerged, what it is or could be, what is the state of the present state and …
WTF is Neoliberalism?
May – July, September – December 2018 Despite being the dominant political story of our time, Neoliberalism is rarely discussed amongst the population. This 11-session course is a response to this state of affairs. In times of crazy inequality, anti-immigration, …