We kicked off our day on Saturday 26 March with a stall at St Alberts Primary Spring Eco Fayre. We were invited by SANE member Zarina Ahmad, who recently spoke at our event Glasgow’s Greenwash. Our stall featured excerpts from the Greenwash report as well as teaching materials and literature around radical municipalism. We connected with educators working towards progressive educational reform and pupils who we referred to resources.
After battling our way through the small stampede surrounding the arrival of First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, we made our way to the Pearce Institute, to set up for the first of our two events, a meeting of the People’s Plan ‘Reclaiming Our Economy’ people’s assembly organisers.
This meeting, facilitated by organisers Gehan and Bronagh, drew on the work we had collated previously on different examples of assembly models and how they might inspire our process here in Glasgow. With these processes in mind, we teased out the strands of the work that need to be considered, and how we might shape those strands into an overarching strategy, as well as tangible next steps.
Some of our people’s assembly organisers joined us for our second event at the Pearce Institute that afternoon – the Make Your Mark craftivism workshop. As both processes are being run on the platform of the People’s Plan for Glasgow, and have mostly been running during the pandemic, it has been our first opportunity to bring together people involved with these different aspects of the People’s Plan in person to share their hopes and fears for Glasgow.
Our craftivism workshop was led by Make Your Mark organiser Jackie Erdman, who talked us through the project so far and the process of creating the fabric squares. By the end of the workshop we had several new squares to add to our tapestry of resistance!
Stay tuned for updates on our People’s Assembly and Make Your Mark projects on our upcoming People’s Plan website!
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