On Tuesday 21 March, members of the SANE Collective met with members of the UCU Union following their picket at the University of Glasgow to discuss the work of SANE, scope for a People’s Plan for Glasgow, and the transformation needed across the educational sectors.
In SANE fashion, we ended this meeting with an exercise in which we asked the attendees to encapsulate their vision for a people’s transformation in education in a single line. The responses have been collated into the following poem.

Plain text:
By teaching a new generation what democracy can mean
By redistributing wealth and increasing genuine public ownership
By driving more community engagement that considers and brings together the city’s ‘ethnic enclaves’
By fostering critically minded, imaginative and socially responsible citizens
By facilitating critical energy, a sense of purpose and possibility, on a local level and across the globe, to usher in a new, greener world
By encouraging more mentoring of school pupils (eg extension of MCR pathways)
By giving examples of best practise, relevant to communities here
By educating a new generation about what neoliberalism means, and how it’s not a fact of nature!
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